At Qutis, we provide affordable, quality skin cancer assessment and management.

Full disclosure of expected fees is provided prior to any consultation and procedure on request.

Private patients

$120 Standard Consultation –Rebate $42.85

$180 Extended Consultation – Rebate $82.90

(Medicare rebatable)

Pension or Healthcare Card holders

$95 Standard Consultation  Rebate $42.85

$150 Extended Consultation – Rebate $82.90

(Medicare rebatable)

Saturday Fees

$150 Standard Consultation  Rebate $42.85

$120 Concession – Rebate $42.85

(Medicare rebatable)

Treatment Room

Procedure consumable charges apply


Photodynamic Therapy

Discuss charges with consulting Doctor. Charges generally proportional to the size of the area and number of fields treated. Full disclosure of charges before treatment commenced. No Medicare or Private Insurance Rebate available.