What is SPF?

What is SPF?

We hear it all the time. SPF to most people just gives them an indication of what sunscreens to buy. But it means so much more that that! The Skin Health Institute gives us lots of interesting advice on SPF and how to choose what’s best for you and your family.  What...

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Attention Outdoor Workers

Attention Outdoor Workers

Did you know that people who work outdoors are at the highest risk of developing skin cancer?  Skin cancer can develop when a person is overexposed to ultraviolet radiation, which is the invisible rays that are part of the energy from the sun. Exposure to these rays...

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Skin Care for Winter

Skin Care for Winter

Skin can only be damaged in summer right? Wrong! Skin cancer doesn’t come from heat, but from UV levels. The snow can have particularly more intense UV levels, so here are some tips to help you watch out for any dangers this winter holidays!  First and foremost, keep...

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Is Sunscreen Safe for Infants?

Is Sunscreen Safe for Infants?

While wearing sunscreen is so important for protection from the dangers of UV rays, does wearing sunscreen pose a risk for babies? The cancer council gives great advice to help anyone with any queries regarding sunscreen, and gives us a helpful insight into the risks...

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Whats that streak on my nail?

Whats that streak on my nail?

There is a rare form of melanoma that affects the nail unit, and makes up only 1% of all cases of melanoma. It usually arises from a form of melanoma that is common of the palms and soles called acral lentiginous melanoma. It commonly appears as a dark band that is...

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Vitamin D and Sun Exposure

Vitamin D and Sun Exposure

Vitamin D is an important vitamin to maintain a strong skeletal system. It is produced naturally in the skin when it is exposed to UV light or can be consumed in some foods. For most people, there is enough incidental sun exposure throughout their day to produce...

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