Sunscreen plays such an important role in protecting us from harmful UV rays. Therefore, it’s important we know the correct way to apply it. Wearing sunscreen in general is a wonderful habit; however, continue reading to find out how to get great protection from your sunscreen application! The Cancer Council gives us 5 steps to use when applying sunscreen, to do so correctly:

5 tips for correct application:

  • 1. Follow the instructions on the bottle

Always listen to what the manufacturers advise in regards to wearing their product. Make sure to also check the expiry date to know when it’s time to purchase again!

  • 2. Apply generously!

Interestingly, most people aren’t applying as much sunscreen as what is recommended. This leaves them with a potential risk of not being fully protected! The average amount of sunscreen to use for adults is a teaspoon per body part, so “one teaspoon for the face, neck and ears; a teaspoon for each arm and leg; and a teaspoon each for the front and back of the body.” Altogether it should be about 35ml for the whole body!

  • 3. Apply before you go outside

If possible, make sure to apply your sunscreen 20 minutes before going out into the sun so that it allows the sunscreen to be able to bind to your skin.

  • 4. Make sure to re-apply

Re-apply, re-apply and re-apply! This should be done every 2 hours that you are out in the sun, and it also means that you can cover any spots you missed the first time. As well as every 2 hours, make sure to re-apply after you become wet, after sweating, and also after being towel dried.

  • 5. Test a swatch before use

When you begin using a new sunscreen test a bit on a small section of your skin. If it is irritating, discontinue use of that particular type of sunscreen.

Bonus tips:

Some other things to keep in mind when applying sunscreen is to use it in conjunction with the other methods of sun protection. This includes to: slip on clothing, slap on a hat, slide on sunglasses and to seek shade. At Qutis, we also suggest to use a sunscreen of SPF 50+ (see our article What is SPF: Sunscreen is recommended for when UV levels are 3 or above.

Our doctors here at Qutis also provide sun protection education as a service and are happy to answer any questions you have about sunscreen and the use of sunscreen. Make an appointment for a consult or a skin check today!
